Blower switches
Thermotec blower switches
An integral part of the ventilation system of a car is also the blower switch by means of which the driver can set the speed of the fan blowing air into the cabin. Typically, the switch comes with four gears. It is a fairly simple device powered by the car’s 12-volt electrical system.
Thermotec blower switches. ISO-compliant quality
At Thermotec, we strive to ensure that our air blower switches are made of good-quality materials and have a high fit-in rate. This way we can be sure that they will fit in most vehicles and will last for a long time.
Our confidence in this regard results from the exhaustive quality testing we put our components through. We check our spare parts before they go into production and randomly after they leave the production line. This is why our production facilities meet the ISO 9001 quality standards.
THERMOTEC products are available in many European countries. Select the one you are interested in to go to the website of the exclusive distributor in a given country: